Many people make the mistake of thinking about their oral health in a vacuum. Even if they understand that oral health is important, they might not connect it to their overall, whole-body wellness – yet there is actually a strong connection between the two. Taking care of your oral health in Chevy Chase means taking care of your health as a whole, and the two really shouldn’t be separated in any way.
At Artisan Dental, we take this connection seriously, and we want to make sure your oral health lives up to its highest possible standard. By caring for this vital part of your body in Chevy Chase, Bethesda and the greater Washington DC area, we can play an important role in keeping you healthy in general, both for now and for years to come.
A Variety of Links
Oral health has been shown to be connected to overall health and wellness in ways that might surprise you. As a starting point, did you know that research has shown a link between gum disease and heart disease? Most people would think of gum disease as a relatively minor, benign issue, but when you start to think about it being related to something as serious as heart disease, it takes on a different tone.
The connection with heart disease is just the start of the concerning news. Additionally, those with diabetes have been seen to be more likely to wind up with gum disease, and when an individual has gum disease, it may be harder to manage blood sugar effectively. There are also issues that can come up with respiratory health, as those who have excess bacterial growth in their mouth will inhale some of that bacteria, and it will wind up in the lungs.
Getting the Right Help
There are certainly plenty of things you can do on your own to care for your oral health in Chevy Chase. Those include brushing regularly – twice per day, ideally – along with eating a healthy diet that isn’t too heavy on sugar or acidic foods. Beyond that, working with a reliable dental office, like Artisan Dental, that offers the range of services needed to address all of your oral health needs is a huge step in the right direction.
While it’s easy to take oral health for granted as you get caught up in the busy nature of day-to-day life, don’t make that mistake – good oral health in Chevy Chase is tied closely to positive overall wellness. With a range of cosmetic, restorative, and whole health dentistry services available to patients from the greater Washington DC area, your mouth will be on the right track when trusted to the care of Artisan Dental in Chevy Chase. Get in touch today to make your first appointment.